Arranged Marriages and Heating and Air Conditioning

Arranged marriages, where the option of a single’s mate is made by others, usually parents, has existed for a long time.

It helped to preserve royal lineages, sporadically quite strangely as when siblings or cousins were the only choices for the arranger; For me, I guess it is a fantastic idea.

Left to our own, I would have pursued Ginger, an employee of the local strip joint so I need cooler heads to prevail in such matters, everyone knows that a successful marriage is not based on a romantic romance. Two people learn to get along over the years and begin to settle into routines that are sufficient to both even if they are completely unusual with little in common. In a different way, marriages are a lot enjoy the coupling between a gas furnace and an AC equipment to make complete the Heating and Air Conditioning pair. The gas furnace and AC equipment do not meet each other until the day they are sold as a equipment to be installed. They “sleep” separately, the gas furnace is usually inside and the coils and compressor outside. They do share common air duct and electrical systems to provide some needed Heating and Air Conditioning intimacy. Like some current marriages, they have completely unusual work schedules and have sacrificed having offSpringtime to dedicate themselves to their work. They rarely argue because when a single is on vacation the other a single is stressed keeping the house comfortable all year around. The marriage of a gas furnace and AC equipment is actually a “till death do we part” union and if a single dies quickly a newer and younger partner will soon be installed leaving little time to grieve. I hear Ginger is on her third marriage. I am still single, but our Heating and Air Conditioning couple is still going strong after 10 years.


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