Converting a basement into a guest room

Our son recently returned home and he needed a helping hand for a while.

He was sheepish about this but we knew he was working hard.

He had been completely independent of us for quite some time, but jobs fall through some times. We decided to clear out the basement for his stay. My wife actually got excited about the prospect. It wasn’t just that her boy would be home for a while, but that it was high time we took advantage of the space in our basement for something other than storage. The three of us got to work clearing out the space and we bought him a futon, among other things. It was crazy just how nice everything looked when we were all done renovating, I mean it should have been obvious, but it really looked like a brand new extra room. Then came the problem of heating and cooling. We obviously did not want to expand the ductwork of our central heating and air conditioner unit into the basement. Fortunately, there were easier options. We opted for a ductless mini-split HVAC unit that provided both air conditioning and heating. It seemed too good to be true for the price and ease of installation, as well as how powerful the unit was, but it was the real deal. Our son was overwhelmed with gratitude for us being so hospitable with him, but I don’t understand how he could have imagined it was going to be any other way. We are not ashamed of helping out our son when he is down on his luck!



Commercial air conditioning

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