I hate the cooling system in my office

The thermostat and weather control app on my phone says that it’s almost 90 degrees outside; You would never guess that by looking at me, though! I am huddled over my desk wrapped up in a large black overcoat, plus my teeth are chattering.

  • I’m desperately doing battle with the cooling system, and I’m losing.

I don’t understand why it is always so cold in this office, but it is. I am going to bring in a ladder to climb up so I can stick some kind of cloth in the cooling system air vents to block the cold air from blowing right down on my head! I work in the office every other day now, but when I was working from home every day, it was so much nicer. The cooling system temperature control was on the setting I love the most, which is 70 degrees. It was always 70 degrees in the house! The cooling system here is set to the same temperature, but for whatever reason, the cooling system is on constantly and it’s always blowing right on me. I guess one reason is that there is just one Heating, Ventilation and A/C unit for two separate offices in the building – my office and the office of the guy who works across the hallway. Occasionally, I even try turning the whole cooling system method to the off position, but the stupid cooling system keeps right on blowing! Not only is it uncomfortable, but it is a waste of energy in my book. We really don’t spend money extra for the electricity, as the utilities are included in the rent, however I still don’t prefer to waste energy. It’s very bad for the environment. It’s especially bad for my immediate environment because I am so cold from the A/C all the time.


Geo heat pump