I kept purchasing the same window A/C unit my brother bought me a long time ago

When I was younger, my brother bought me this really nice window A/C unit.

I always thought it was the greatest gift of all time.

I kept that window A/C unit for the longest time, even when I moved into my first apartment. I was actually sad when it finally died on me. Because I loved that old window A/C unit so much, I decided to purchase the same window A/C unit. My brother would come visit me on occasion and he would always smile when he saw that I was using that same window A/C unit. He honestly thought that the old window A/C unit was still working and I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I had replaced his old window A/C unit when it died. It became pretty funny over the years because eventually I had to replace the window A/C unit again, and I went for the same old window A/C unit model. My brother was wondering how that window A/C unit lasted so long, and I told him it was some kind of miracle cooling technology. He was saying that he wished he had purchased himself one of those window A/C units. He figured they didn’t make those anymore, and he’s right, they don’t. But whenever I need to get a new window A/C unit, I try to find that same used model. I just have an attachment to that particular window A/C unit, and I guess it’s because it was a sentimental gift from my brother.

heating business