Labeling our new stock

My best buddy plus I started toiling for a temporary work agency last month.

For the first few weeks, every one of us worked some bizarre jobs.

I worked a few days at the factory, plus I also worked a few days unloading pallets from the dock. My best buddy was stuck indoors at an office for 3 days, just because she could translate Spanish to English. All of us both worked on some honestly bizarre jobs, until every one of us were sent to the same location. All of us have been helping set up a up-to-date store at the outlet mall. All day long, our buddy plus I rest in the same location plus label inventory. The first many days, every one of us inventoried box after box of sneakers. The only fun area about the job was getting to use the handheld inkjet label maker. The handheld equipment spit out labels at an alarmingly fast rate, plus it was a lot of fun. All of us spend another several days printing out labels for t-shirts plus underwear. This month has been absolutely tied up too, plus every one of us are using the handheld inkjet label maker to tag all of the socks. This store is crazy about socks, plus they have over a hundred thoUSand pairs of odd colors, sizes, plus shapes. That is the main attraction for this location. We’re getting to the end of the inventory, so our fun with the handheld inkjet label maker is almost over. After that, I don’t suppose if our buddy plus I will end up in the same location or not. We’ll just have to wait plus see.


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