My job is so boring, but I get paid well

My parents told me that I had to get a part-time job if I wanted them to pay for college.

A lot of my friends don’t have to work and I thought it was terribly unfair.

I put up a fight for weeks, but my parents weren’t going to budge. Luckily, my dad already had a job in mind. I didn’t have to fill out any applications or go to interviews, and I didn’t have to settle for a fast food job like Taco Bell, McDonald’s, or Burger King. I thought things would be great, because I was answering phones all day. I thought it would be an easy job, but I was wrong. My job is incredibly boring. I work for a company that rents chillers and boilers. I don’t know how much information about chillers or boilers, so I can’t answer a lot of questions. It’s frustrating for me and most of our customers. Last week I tried to help a customer that was looking for a steam boiler to rent. I didn’t think that we had steam boiler rentals, so I told the guy to call another company. When I mentioned the steam boiler rental to the boss, he politely informed me that we carry all types of boilers and chillers. Most of the day I sit around the office and make copies, but when the phone rings, I wish I had better answers to give the customer. I don’t mind getting paid well for the job, but it would make a lot more sense to get a person that has some knowledge on chillers and boilers.



industrial chiller rental