My roommate is freezing me out

During my first round of college classes, I found myself on the weird side of this country.

The people I was with plus myself didn’t know a single person plus even still there are only a couple of other guys that I trust.

The Southern Methodist College was just the type of place that I thought I wouldn’t have to worry much at all about moderate temperatures. During the winter, I was worried a lot about cold weather. I dealt with cold weather in my entire life as well as there was much snow, rain, and ice everywhere. The people I was with plus my software happy to move to a warmer climate, because we didn’t have to worry about the furnace problems for the first time in our life. Unfortunately, we still had to worry about some cold air when one of the roommates decided to adjust the cooling plant just a little too cold. The guy really likes the cooling plan so much that he used to keep the temperature set to 67 degrees. In the beginning, a lot of people complained about the cold temperatures. Bill didn’t have much to say other than put on some more clothes. It got to the point where everyone was arguing plus we eventually just decided to come to the conclusion that bill would keep the thermostat anywhere he wants it and we were all cover up with a blanket. My roommate was freezing the people I was with plus myself right out of our town house, and there wasn’t much we could do.

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