Trying everything I know to remove drafts

I don’t think I’m the type of person who is very high maintenance.

I did not grow up with amazing amenities at home or high expectations for my surroundings.

In fact, when I was a child I was happy just to have some craft supplies and a quiet room to sit in, and most of that hasn’t changed even into adulthood. I like spending time alone and working on my individual projects from dawn until dusk. The only thing that I have high expectations for is my air quality. I don’t want to be a problematic person even though I am a fan of high quality air temperature control infiltration devices. When I was younger I realized that I became easily sick if I wasn’t able to regulate my indoor air temperature. It seems like I have a flimsy immune system after spending so many years locked inside away from germs and viruses, and now as a result, if my indoor air temperature is fluctuating I will quickly fall ill and have a difficult time recovering. I am always calling my heating and cooling company to ask for better ways to manage my indoor air handling devices. The problem is, no matter what I do it seems my house is full of drafts. When I moved in I made sure to replace the windows with double pane energy-efficient windows. I had more insulation installed in the attic. I even added caulking around the door frames and window frames, but no matter what I do there are uncomfortable drafts in my craft room. I’m tired of wearing three jackets at a time, however my Heating and Air Conditioning business is out of recommendations.

Heating corp