Recovering from broken leg and HVAC reliant

When you’re a kid I feel like that’s your prime time for getting injured.

You’re always falling down scraping your knees, banging your head against things, and having random bruises and scratches all over your body.

It’s all part of childhood. It’s not so fun when you get to be an adult and you’re still running into the same injuries on a regular basis. In my life, I’m pretty often hurt. It’s nobody’s fault except my own. I’m just a huge klutz. Most recently I managed to really hurt myself, when I broke my leg of taking a bad step off of our porch. I was walking out the door and waving goodbye to my husband when, I just fell straight off the side of the porch. One trip to the emergency room later, and I returned to the house with a giant cast on my leg and some clunky crutches under my arms. I was put on bed rest for the rest of the summer. You can imagine how unhappy I am. As if it’s not awful enough sitting around all day long, it’s a hot and humid summer. I feel like our HVAC system cannot keep up with the amount of heat and humidity that is constantly churning outside. Our little house is not well sealed, and hot air is constantly sleeping in while the cold high quality air leaks right out. This means I’m uncomfortable most of the day. I was complaining and complaining to my husband, and he was getting really tired of adjusting the thermostat for me every time I got to warm. After a few weeks of my continual bitching and complaining he must have gotten sick of hearing about the air temperature. One day he walked in and handed me a remote. “This is for the smart thermostat,” he said, “you’re welcome.” I suppose that’s cheaper than a divorce.


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