In order to thrive in the marketing world, you need to adapt

If you are smart and creative, or hire the right digital SEO business, then you can compete with the big boys If we were talking about a national SEO campaign, across streaming platforms and television, you’re talking millions of dollars, with digital SEO you can use a fraction of that spend for some amazing results

Evolve or die, it was true for the creatures of old, and it’s just as true for business. The world is regularly changing, regularly in flux, and if you aren’t adapting with the trends and the times, then your days are numbered, pal. I mean this as a piece of free advice, however if you are still advertising with newspapers, or on the radio, then you need a reality check. The return on investment for the enormous price tag these ads come with is minimal, and a waste of your budget. HVAC marketing needs to focus more on the online aspect of things, and less on the other forms of advertising. In other words, digital SEO is the best place for growing your business. If you are smart and creative, or hire the right digital SEO business, then you can compete with the big boys If we were talking about a national SEO campaign, across streaming platforms and television, you’re talking millions of dollars, with digital SEO you can use a fraction of that spend for some amazing results. For local businesses, you can enhance your online presence in the immediate part without worrying about if the SEO is effective for other markets, but a local dealer only has to worry about the local market, and for local digital SEO, this puts you on equal footing to the large corporations. Everyone has a website for their business, not all the people know how to use SEO and online SEO to help the website grow their business, but let me try and help you!

Search engine optimization

Even if you’re a small business, you can compete with bigger businesses

Evolve or die, and it was true for the creatures of old and it’s just as true for business.

The world is always decreasing, always in flux and if you aren’t adapting with the trends and the times, then your days are numbered, pal.

I mean this as a piece of free advice, but if you are still advertising with newspapers, or on the radio, then you need a reality check. The return on investment for the enormous price tag these ads come with is minimal and a waste of your budget! Heating and A/C advertising needs to focus more on the online aspect of things and less on the other forms of advertising. In other words, digital advertising is the best place for growing your company. If you are smart and creative, or hire the right digital advertising company, then you can compete with the big boys. We were talking about a national advertising campaign, across streaming platforms and cable, you’re talking millions of dollars, but with digital advertising you can use a fraction of that spend for some amazing results, then for local businesses, you can enhance your online presence in the immediate section without worrying about if the SEO is effective for other markets! A local company only has to worry about the local market and for local digital advertising, this puts you on equal footing to the important corporations, and everyone has a website for their business, but not most people knows how to use SEO and online advertising to help the website grow their business, then let me try and help you!

Local digital marketing lets you compete with the big boys

A local business only has to worry about the local market, and for local digital marketing, this puts you on equal footing to the big corporations

Evolve or die. It was true for the creatures of old, and it’s just as true for business. The world is constantly changing, always in flux, and if you aren’t adapting with the trends and the times, then your days are numbered, pal. I mean this as a piece of free advice, but if you are still advertising with newspapers, or on the radio, then you need a reality check. The return on investment for the enormous price tag these ads come with is minimal, and a waste of your budget. HVAC marketing needs to focus more on the online aspect of things, and less on the other forms of advertising. In other words, digital marketing is the best avenue for growing your company. If you are smart and creative, or hire the right digital marketing company, then you can compete with the big boys. If we were talking about a national marketing campaign, across streaming platforms and television, you’re talking millions of dollars, but with digital marketing you can use a fraction of that spend for some amazing results. For local businesses, you can enhance your online presence in the immediate area without worrying about if the SEO is effective for other markets. A local business only has to worry about the local market, and for local digital marketing, this puts you on equal footing to the big corporations. Everyone has a website for their business, but not everyone knows how to use SEO and online marketing to help the website grow their business. Let me try and help you!




Commercial floor cleaning company handles stains from kids and pets

It seems no matter how careful I am, there are constantly new stains on the carpet.

This is usually due to the dogs having an accident or the cats throwing up in the house.

If it’s not the pets, then it’s my kids. They continually drop food and spill drinks. These substances end up staining the carpet. I have tried all different types of spot cleaning products, methods and tools. I considered following my mother’s example. She had the same issues with dogs, cats and kids creating messes. Her solution was to tear out all of the carpets and went with wood floors, I prefer having carpets. My kids are still little toddlers and they fall down a lot. The carpet creates a safe cushion for them. Plus, the winters in our local area are especially cold. We get temperatures down to negative twenty-six. Even with the heating system blasting, wood or ceramic tile floors feel super cold. I was complaining to a good friend about the stains on my carpet that I was having no luck removing. She suggested hiring a professional cleaning service. She said that not only do the commercial cleaners have more advanced tools and stronger products, but they have the ability to disinfect the carpet. They can deep clean and remove stubborn contaminants, spot treat and kill bacteria, mold spores, viruses and other germs. Since my kids crawl around and play on the carpet, this sounded really appealing to me. I expected the service to be super expensive but my friend assured me it was reasonable. She gave me the name and number of the service she uses. I gave them a call and have been totally happy with the results. I ended up signing up for a maintenance program. The cleaning company comes to the house every six months and provides a complete service.

Carpet cleaning service

Professional carpet cleaning removes older stains

About six years ago, I found my dream home.

It was just perfect with two stories and four bedrooms.

Although it was at the very peak of my budget, I really wanted it. The house had the look of a miniature castle. The architecture was just incredible. There are huge windows and sloping roofs with all sorts of decorative millwork. I knew that unless I won the lottery, that house was not going to be mine. The house stayed on the market for quite some time. Our local area then experienced a bad hurricane. The house was damaged in the storm. Fortunately, the issues were not overly severe. For whatever reason, maybe because the owners were tired of hanging onto the property, they never took care of the repair. Because of this, the asking price dropped significantly. I was not going to miss the opportunity. It seemed as if they were eager and relieved to sell the house to me. Since the house was built in the eighteen hundreds, there was a lot of work that needed to be done. There were some concerns with the ductwork, plumbing system and water damage from the storm. I was worried about potential mold and mildew growth. Because of this I started looking into professional carpet cleaning. There were ancient and fresh stains all over the carpet. I doubted that even a professional would be able to get those discolorations out. I researched online and found several local commercial floor cleaning companies in the area. I read all of the reviews for each company. I chose a business that has been around almost as long as my house. The commercial cleaning contractor specializes in carpet cleaning and stain removal. They also offer other options such as office cleaning, tile floor repair and grout cleaning service. They came to the house with a crew of people and all sorts of commercial equipment. They had no problem removing the stains and shining up the tile floors.


Janitorial company

The chain link fence adds security without obstructing my view of the lake

It adds a lot of flair and beauty to the backyard, and it doesn’t obstruct my view of the lake.

I bought my cottage because I absolutely loved the view of the lake. I have a view of the north and the east side and I have a brand new dock and a boat. When I purchased the house, the backyard did not have any fence at all. I have three dogs, so I thought it was important to have some type of fence for security. I don’t have a lot of neighbors that live close by, but I didn’t want to take any chances that my dogs would run free and cause damage and destruction. I talked to a couple of companies that install fencing. One of the contractors recommended installing a chain-link fence instead of a vinyl or wooden privacy fence. The contractor thought the view of the lake was amazing and agreed that it was worth saving. I didn’t think a chain-link fence would look great, but I was willing to view a couple of different samples. I decided to go with a chain link fence that actually looks like brushed nickel. It adds a lot of flair and beauty to the backyard, and it doesn’t obstruct my view of the lake. I like to let the dogs outside to play in the backyard. I have a wooden swing on the porch and I can sit on the swing and watch the sunset without worrying about the dogs running off and getting free. I never would have considered chain link as a fencing option, and I’m still thankful for an amazing contractor. The guy did excellent work for an affordable price.

Chain Link Fencing

Maintaining your security system service

Ever since I had my security plan installed, I have been having annual security system service completed.

They come to my house and change the batteries in all the systems.

I have new light bulbs put into the dusk to dawn lights and in the motion detector lights. They go through the entire system to make sure everything is working properly. Last time they did updates on my security system. The security plan repair is just as important as having your heating and air conditioning system worked on every year. I can’t imagine going without heat or air conditioner. I also can’t imagine not having my home security system not working when someone is outside my house. I learned that lesson when I first had my home security plan installed. As much as I hated to admit it, my kid had a problem with drugs. Some of her ‘friends’ decided they needed more money one night. They knew I had just had my house built because they had dropped off my daughter at the house when she was too high to drive, which was all the time. I had forgotten to have my home security system updated because of things going on with my daughter. I had taken my Dad to a doctor’s appointment and I thought I had set the security system. When I got home, the cable sets, all our jewelry and anything that could be easily loaded into a car was missing. The battery to the alarm system was dead. I haven’t forgotten to have the security system repaired since.

Integrated Building System

It was time for my annual security system service.

Ever since I had my security system installed, I have been having annual security system service completed.

They come to my home and change the batteries in all the systems.

I have new light bulbs put into the dusk to dawn lights and in the motion detector lights. They go through the entire system to make sure everything is working properly. Last time they did updates on my security system. The security system service is just as important as having your HVAC system serviced every year. I can’t imagine going without heat or air conditioning. I also can’t imagine not having my home security system not working when someone is outside my house. I learned that lesson when I first had my home security system installed. As much as I hated to admit it, my son had a problem with drugs. Some of his ‘friends’ decided they needed more money one night. They knew I had just had my home built because they had dropped my son off at the house when he was too high to drive, which was all the time. I had forgotten to have my home security system updated because of things going on with my son. I had taken my mom to a doctor’s appointment and I thought I had set the security system. When I got home, the television sets, all my jewelry and anything that could be easily loaded into a car was missing. The battery to the alarm system was dead. I haven’t forgotten to have the security system service done since.


Security System Installation

They wanted to give my mom a hot towel facial.

When they asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up; I told them I wanted to be a barber and own a barber shop.

I couldn’t wait to be old enough to go to barber school.

I also couldn’t believe how much I had to learn. I figured I would learn how to cut hair like they do in those movies. I had to learn about scalps, scalp diseases, and even how to remove ticks from the scalp. I learned how to do hot towel facials and straight razor shaves. I had to admit that even though there were a lot of books and reading, the hands-on work was a lot of fun. When I got into straight razor shaves, I wanted to practice on my dad and grandpa. Dad made me promise not to slit his throat. Grandpa gave me his Last Will and Testament to take care of in case he didn’t survive the shave. I almost didn’t use them for guinea pigs, but I laughed and gave them the best shaves they had ever had. I asked mom if she would let me give her a facial. I told her it was a hot towel facial, and she wasn’t quite as amenable as dad and grandpa. She told me that heat wasn’t good for her complexion, and she was not interested. I told her it would be good for her complexion. A hot towel facial would pull out the impurities and make her skin glow when I was done. Before she agreed, she made me promise that if she had any problems after the hot towel facial, I would pay the doctor for the visit.


Men’s Haircut

I was made fun of for being overweight

Ever since I was young, I have always been overweight, and my classmates never hesitated to remind me of this fact! You would think that my parents would intervene and correct my classmate’s behaviour, however instead, they sided with them.

They believed that giving me criticizing comments about my weight would motivate me to change, even though they were overweight themselves, it was always about me.

This gave me so many appearance problems, and it eventually got to the point where I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror anymore. Instead of wanting to lose weight, I decided that it just didn’t matter anymore, that I was stuck this way and why even bother. Food became my comfort mechanism, and I would eat whenever I was down, which only added to the problem, it didn’t matter to me anyways, I had long stopped caring. It wasn’t until I meant my prince charming. While I believed in love, my self esteem was so low, I thought no one could love me if I was obese. My boyfriend is a nutrition lifestyle coach, who helps people meet their nutritional needs, and helps them lose weight. With love and care, he helped me form a nutrition training plan. This customized nutrition program fit my needs and helped me lose weight within 6 months. My boyfriend helped with meal prep, and was encouraging me along the way! However, he never forgot to tell me that even if I didn’t stick with the nutrition lifestyle, he loved me the way I am, in every way. I’m down to an average weight now, and like my boyfriend, I seek to make change in other’s lives through their nutritional needs, the way my boyfriend made an immense change in mine.


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