At least we had cooling

It is a miracle we didn’t get sick and die! Especially in the winter time months! Then when we all found out that our Mom was being moved in her job to the sunny South, our family was beyond excited and over the hills with glee.

Growing up, our parents were very cheap on running the heating and cooling system. In the winters we would be freezing, and in the summers we would be overheated. It is a miracle we didn’t get sick and die! Especially in the winter time months! Then when we all found out that our Mom was being moved in her job to the sunny South, our family was beyond excited and over the hills with glee. My siblings and I talked happily for the whole road trip, dreaming of how much fun every last one of us were going to have in the sunshine, however it was still wintertime months when every single one of us moved and then every one of us were looking forward to escaping the freezing weather and not have to worry about no heating; Our first few weeks in our brand new home down South were perfect; The Wintertime weather was attractive as well as the brand new home was the perfect temperature with no furnace or any kind of heating needed. By the time the hot Summer rolled around, though, every one of us found out that our parents were just as cheap about running the air conditioner as they had been about running the oil furnace up north. The control unit on the thermostat was kept at 86 degrees plus the air conditioner just didn’t keep the new home cool at all. My siblings and I spent most of our summers at the pool since every one of us barely had the comfort of air conditioning in our house! Now that I’m an adult, I am glad to be out of there, and happily pay the extra money to run the air conditioner nice and cool all Summer as well as keep the furnace going full blast all winter long when needed!
Commercial air conditioning system