Beach days were all the time

I remember way back when I lived back east how in the summer we would all go to the beach down the shore in Jersey.

My aunt and uncle had a summer home and we would stay there.

I really miss living back there as today where I live there is no such thing as a beach and summers are less than desirable to put it lightly. But back then on the east coast where I grew up it was great. After the fun long days at the warm beach I will always remember coming back to the summer home my aunt and uncle owned and relaxing in the great air conditioning there. This was before the days of central air conditioning, so it was nothing more than a window a/c. However this window air conditioning system that they had was ultra powerful. The cooling coming from the window air conditioning system was unlike anything you would imagine. It was the most top of the line and best window air conditioner on the market at that time. I dare say that it was even better than some of the central air conditioning I have experienced in the more modern age we live in today. My aunt and uncle sold that summer home back in the 1990’s sometime and have since passed on. It was a great era in time for me and I will always remember the great beach days, the great summer home and the super awesome window air conditioning system unit that they had back then in the house.


New heating