Bothersome noise coming from HVAC machine

Arnold had a pretty nice weekend planned for his partner, who was flying in.

She lived in an odd part of the country, plus they hadn’t been together in a long duration of time! But, the distance wasn’t especially bad for them since they were regularly talking.

Arnold went ahead to get current bedsheets, towels, scented candles, flowers, chips, plus other items he knew she would enjoy. He drove to the house feeling superb since he would spend the day cleaning his residence. The cabin was cool when Arnold got back since the HVAC machine was on. But, he heard a bizarre hissing sound he’d never heard before coming from the indoor machine. Arnold placed all the things he was carrying on the counter plus got his phone available. He wanted to reach out to a friend who was an A/C machine mechanic to inform him about the hissing sound that was happening. The A/C mechanic answered the call on the second ring plus listened to Arnold explain the drawback, however immediately he asked Arnold to turn off the HVAC machine since that sounded something like a refrigerant leak… Refrigerants can be extremely toxic, plus it was best for Arnold to open the windows plus doors to let in fresher air. The A/C mechanic had another appointment but treated this as an emergency plus dashed to Arnold’s cabin to repair the faulty HVAC machine. Further inspection of the HVAC component showed cracks on the refrigerant lines causing the refrigerant to leak out. Arnold was blessed to have heard the hissing noise plus turned off the HVAC machine. The A/C mechanic had to mend the cracks then checked the HVAC machine to ensure no more leaks.

a/c repairman