Clearing the air with an air purifier

This is the first spring that I haven’t had to suffer inside the air conditioning comfort of my home.

Our winters are very mild with not much need for heating from the heat pump.

So this is normally just the best time of year weather and temperature wise. Yet, I have spent my winters tentatively enjoying the sunshine and the blue sky because I knew what was coming. We get spring early here. The first big yellow wave of pollen hits in February. And that’s generally when I start to suffer with seasonal allergies. There’s just no escaping it. I have to take meds just to breathe and not be a sloppy, sneezing mess all the time. I can’t even find refuge inside my house. Well, that is all over now. My house is now a completely pollen free zone thanks to an addition to our HVAC equipment. In years before, the pollen would follow me inside the house and just punish me every time the HVAC unit cycled on. Then, I made a trip to the HVAC company that changed my life. The HVAC professionals showed me the whole home air purification system that fits inside the HVAC equipment. This thing destroys the DNA of airborne contaminants using UV light. It simply burns them up. So there is just no pollen floating around the air of my home any longer. I can breathe inside my house and not be wheezing and sneezing from my seasonal allergies thanks to this air purifier. Yea, this spring has been my favorite so far by miles. I’m actually enjoying watching things green up around me knowing that I have a pollen free sanctuary thanks to air purification.


air conditioning installation