Following good workout habits when I run

I really enjoy going for a run for my workout. It’s my favorite type of exercise because of the simplicity. There’s no extra equipment involved. I have the ability to go for a run in just about any location. I always look forward to running when I’m on vacation. It’s such a great way to experience a new location and landscape. I might choose a route along the beach or follow the streets through the city. There’s always so much to see that the run seems to be over very quickly. Even running through my familiar neighborhood helps me to get alleviate stress and clear my mind. When I initially started running for the sake of fitness, I had very little stamina. I could run for less than half a mile before I was forced to slow down to a walking pace. I steadily increased my endurance so that I was running for anywhere from three to more than ten miles. Early on, I made the mistake of running every day. I had a pair of cheap sneakers. I didn’t take the time to warm up and stretch and failed to cool down at the end of the run. Because of this, I developed plantar fasciitis. I needed to rest my feet, put ice on them and buy inserts for my shoes. I also bought better quality running shoes. I learned how to properly warm up and prepare my muscles for the run. Alternating running with other types of workouts lessens the damaging impact on my feet, knees and ankles has helped to minimize soreness and injury. I only run two to three times per week. I buy new sneakers every year. I am more conscientious about drinking water before, during and after a run.
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