Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C needs are odd everywhere you go

Maybe it is because I am used to the way things are over here in this country.

I think it is honestly super interesting how in Australia the Winter plus the warm season are completely reversed! If you did not know, during the Wintertime in the USA it is super boiling over there in Australia. They are cranking their central heating plus air conditioner’s cooling on Christmas! But then in the warmest season of the year while every one of us in the States are all suffering with boiling heat in most parts of the country cranking our central heating plus air conditioner’s cooling, the Aussies are over there cranking their central heating plus air conditioner’s heating. It might be the middle of June plus they will be freezing plus having wild snow storm blizzards care about every one of us in the States do in December. It is entirely different but also interesting how it works with the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C needs plus weather in general in random parts of the world. I am not sure if I would entirely care about to have Christmas time with over 1 hundred degrees. That would be so horrible. Maybe it is because I am used to the way things are over here in this country. And it is the same to them over there to how they are used to the way things are there. If you grew up plus knew nothing but Australia, then you would be completely used to Chrtistmas being the super boiling warm season time of the year plus never think anything more of it. The world is an interesting place, that is for sure. But I am ecstatic I live in the fantastic country of Canada to be totally fair with you all!


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