Hospital HVAC breaks down

These days anymore, it seems like nothing is guaranteed, and with the government doing so many outlandish things that you never know what to expect anymore.

I really never thought that things could get as serious and spine-chilling as they are right now. I’m not saying that I ever believed in our political system before, but I didn’t think that it could ever get this bad. The fact that you can’t guarantee you will be able to get medical care if you come down with a life-threatening disease is pretty scary. Recently, I heard that things are getting even worse at our local medical facility! Apparently, they have been so overwhelmed with patients that they have not been able to keep up with the indoor air conditions. There are so many different people coming and going that it became impossible to keep up with the indoor air temperature or air quality inside of the hospital. The heating and cooling system was being heavily taxed by the number of people who were coming and going through the automatic doors. At the same time, all of the added body heat was raising the indoor air temperature and forcing the air conditioning plan to run nonstop. It wasn’t long before the entire air conditioning unit broke down in the hospital. After that, they could not even get a professional heating and cooling technician out to maintain the air filtration and air temperature control devices, however most heating and cooling providers are not interested in going to see a hospital right now, just like the rest of us.


air duct