Hot tub needs better ventilation

When my husband said that he wanted to get a hot tub, I had a few reservations.

Sure, it sounded totally amazing to turn the heat up all the way, power on all the jets, and sink into a burning hot pool of water with my beloved… however my mind instantly moves straight into the more practical realities of owning a hot tub.

I know myself and my husband, and I know neither one of us is going to want to perform all the routine maintenance necessary for the hot tub. I voiced my problems and made sure they were heard – however my husband went out and bought one anyways, now, besides all the extra work required to run a hot tub, I have another big complication to deal with, and my buddy and I have to upgrade the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C system in order to keep the hot tub from destroying our home… You see, within two weeks of installing the hot tub, I realized that there was an awful lot of condensation on the windows all the time. The indoor air was becoming so hot and humid that the indoor air felt more like a tropical temperature than a standard suburban house. I called out a specialist, and he indicated that the excessive moisture and humidity was doing a number on the wood bones of the house. He said if my great friend and I didn’t upgrade our central cooling system to include high powered dehumidification, my great friend and I could expect irreparable detriment to our home. Thanks to this spur of the moment purchase, my great friend and I now have two modern maintenance maintenance contracts – one for the hot tub and one for our high tech modern Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C system.

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