I gave them a novel task for analysis

I had climbed up the ladder at my job through our difficult job plus dedication. I was now the senior trainer of new HVAC worker recruits! Part of the training included taking them through a series of instructions plus issueshooting for all kinds of issues that affect HVAC units. I had also created a full pamphlet plus a video that illustrated the steps involved in the a/c care plan. The new recruits were completing the training sessions before being fully inducted as certified a/c professionals. They had also carefully trained in a/c install. When done well, the initial fitting of the air conditioning would easily solve a lot of future issues emanating from the initial setup. When the multi-split air conditioning device at the office malfunctioned, I saw it as a fantastic pick for it to be their final test. They had a write-up of the steps involved in fixing the cooling system, later, they would attempt to service the issue for me. The first thing they did was to check on the minor units such as the indoor air cleaning system. They carefully cleaned the a/c filter in order to improve air quality at the office. They then tested to see whether the old climate control component was honestly working well. After that, they went deeper to check on the various cooling products to ensure they had not gone through wear. They got the equipment from the nearest air conditioning provider from the local business since they knew they would get a discount. Finally, they went and assessed the parts to determine whether they had the latest cooling technology. They knew they had passed the training.

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