I need my dehumidifier to breathe comfortably

Some people think that I’m completely off my rocker when I show up to their house and start carting in my own indoor air quality levels control equipment.I completely understand that I look like a whack job when I arrive with my own air purification plan in tow.

Most people do not worry about their indoor air quality levels to the extent that I do, let alone when they are visiting friends and family.

I completely understand that my air purification obsession is over the top. However, I cannot exist without my dehumidification system. A long time ago I realized that I had major respiratory troubles which were only exasperated by moisture in the air, whenever I was in a humid environment I had to worry about being able to breathe always. It felt like I was choking on the air whenever I took a gasp of the hot summertime time breeze, but that’s when I went out and purchased my first dehumidification system. Almost instantly, I noticed a substantial difference in my overall health and happiness, and suddenly, I could breathe inside of my house, my indoor air quality felt much more comfortable, and my energy bill started to decrease very abruptly. My a/c plan benefited from having the dehumidifier working in tandem. My health and sleep quality also improved thanks to the extra air filtration and the extra background noise given by the dehumidifier. Since I made this air quality discovery I have not been able to forget about dehumidification systems. Whenever I travel without my dehumidifier I am actually annoyed. These nights, I keep one 6 in my trunk so my air quality is always up to par along with my sleep.


I need my dehumidifier to breathe comfortably