I quit going to crossfit classes after a bad injury

I absolutely loved extreme sports while I was growing up.

If there was snow on the ground in the winter I would hit the slopes with my snowboard. During the rest of the year I skateboarded, water skied, and jumped ramps with my BMX bike. I was no stranger to getting injuries and hurting myself, but each time it felt like a badge of honor. When you’re young it’s a lot easier to bounce back from these scrapes and falls, but it gets a lot harder as your body ages and you inevitably get older. I was an avid runner, even after getting a gym membership. There are always other machines at my disposal, but for whatever reason I have stuck with running since I was young. The constant high impact to my joints in my feet and legs is starting to take a toll and I have finally decided to stop. But it was my crossfit class that was posing the biggest risk to my physical health. I loved the idea of extreme workouts, but it started to become obvious to me that my group fitness trainer wasn’t experienced enough to be teaching crossfit. It can be debilitating on your body because you’re doing high resistance exercises in quick succession, pushing your muscles to the ultimate breaking point. If your fitness instructor in crossfit is irresponsible, you could injure yourself seriously. I quit going to crossfit classes after sustaining an injury to my sciatic nerve at the base of my back. It affects my ability to walk and gives me constant pain whenever I’m on my feet for extended periods of time. I should have simply stuck with safe workouts and weightlifting at the fitness center.


Workout program