I was glad to be finished shoveling snow

I hate, hate, hate shoveling snow! Where I live, you practically have to shovel snow on every winter and late fall day.

It’s crazy and it’s one of the huge reasons why I plan on moving in the near future, but my living situation isn’t the best, and I need to stay here a little bit longer; The reason why I do not like shoveling snow is because it feels incredibly pointless.

I will work hard to shovel all of the snow, only for it to be covered only a few hours later, but not only that, but the ice cold wind feels like it’s biting my face. I would much rather stay in my nice and heated home, with the heating system going all darn afternoon then spend another moment outside, but as much as I would love that, that’s not what’s going to happen. I spent at least an hour shoveling the snow off of the pavement in front of the door and around the garage. When I came back inside I was freezing cold! I sat right next to the heating system unit, but not before turning the smart thermostat up to 71 degrees. I wanted my home to be as warm as possible, however unfortunately since the furnace isn’t the most efficient it can take quite a while for it to warm up the house, it usually takes at least 2 hours to fully warm


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