I was so happy in the school

You might be able to find a small table in an isolated corner as far away from the surprising loudness of the library as possible; Then you would realize that it was cold cold! A year of using the library convinced myself and others that the air conditioning system is stuck on full blast in the Summer and the heating is almost non-existent in the winter

It took forever for myself and others to find a nice place to learn in school, and i shared a dorm with many other guys, and at least 1 or more of them were always there causing a ruckus that made studying within my living section to be a living hell! Asking them to take their noise and clamor elsewhere did not actually help, so I had to find another spot to cram for exams and research papers… You would assume that the school library would be the ideal spot to study, right? You would be wrong. You have to go deep into the book shelving to get away from the noise. You might be able to find a small table in an isolated corner as far away from the surprising loudness of the library as possible; Then you would realize that it was cold cold! A year of using the library convinced myself and others that the air conditioning system is stuck on full blast in the Summer and the heating is almost non-existent in the winter. I might be able to get away with lingering in the cafeteria before while I was in, and after meals were being served, but it was just as cold as the library! Not to mention how loud it was there, again, then no joke, occasionally I would stand in my vehicle in the parking lot and learn with either the air conditioning system or the heating running depending on the time of year! Then I realized it might be worth it to try and drive off campus and find a place in neighborhood to study. Luckily, there was a Tim Hortons Cappuccino shop that had adequate settings on the temperature control that I took to actually quick!
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