It's all down to personal preference

I am very surprised by people who seem to think that they know everything about how a person should live when it comes to just about any topic.

Take the temperature that you set on your thermostat, for example.

I believe that it is the personal preference of any homeowner when it comes to what temperature you set on the thermostat that counts. If you are a person that prefers cooler temperatures, why would you listen to anyone who insists that you should keep the temperature much higher? Owning a climate control device is all about your own personal comfort, right? So why on Earth would someone else be so arrogant as to tell you what temperature you should set on your thermostat? Similarly, if someone prefers much warmer temperatures than someone else, why on Earth would someone berate someone else for setting a temperature that is warmer than what they perceive to be normal? I think if you asked any given HVAC technician, they will tell you that there is no magic temperature on the thermostat that is universally appropriate in any given situation. It all comes down to personal preference. I feel the same way about what kind of thermostat you should actually use. If you like smart technology, then go for a smart thermostat. If you like old school type thermostats, then simple digital or dial thermostats are the way to go! What is the point of trying to be so controlling over other people’s lives?

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