It's nice having a heating and cooling supplier right down the street from me

When I lived out in the rural country it was hard because of all the driving to any business that I needed to visit.

Even the gas station was at least 10 miles away at the time.

So I would have to plan ahead and make sure I didn’t run out of gas before I got too far away from the gas station or even before I got home. This was a common concern for me because I would come home from hanging out with friends some nights and I would be really out of it and forget that I would need to get gasoline before coming back to my house. Because by the time I would get to my house, my gas tank would be so low there would be a risk of not getting to the gas station before running out completely. That’s one thing I didn’t like about living out in the rural countryside. All of the big box stores were really far away too. I remember trying to do Christmas shopping for my family back then and I would have to turn it into an all-day affair going down to a shopping mall and an adjacent city. It was a lot of work for me back then to get all of this done. And now I’m happy I don’t live out in the countryside anymore. Instead, I live a lot closer to a lot of businesses in stores. And I think that I enjoy also having things like heating and cooling suppliers really close to my house. For instance, my HVAC supplier is right down the street from me. And they are extremely prompt with getting back to me when I need them for my house. Sometimes I have issues with my furnace or air conditioner and need help right away.
