Listen to the HVAC professionals for sure

In my heart, I knew that what the HVAC technician was saying was the truth.

I just knew it.

But the news that the HVAC unit was on the way out sure didn’t fit our financial planning. So I tried to tell myself that maybe our HVAC professionals was just erring on the side of caution. Perhaps, the HVAC equipment would hold on a lot longer so we could save for new residential HVAC. At least, that’s the story I had going in my head. The bottom line is that I should have been much more prepared for the end of our heating and cooling equipment. Once that HVAC unit turned 20, I should have simply started saving for the new one. I remember thinking about it but I also never did anything more than think about it. My wife and I discussed our options and we decided that we would just start saving our money as fast as we could. The bad thing was that we were going into summer which is the main focus of HVAC in this area. But we made a plan to curb the use of the HVAC cooling as much as possible in an effort to reduce the load on the heat pump. It went fine until we got into August. Then, we both walked into a house that was hot and sticky. The heat pump was dead and we had no choice but to put down what we’d saved and finance the rest with the HVAC company. The HVAC professionals even loaned us 3 portable air conditioning units until the new heat pump arrived. Not an ideal result but not terrible either.

quality hvac equipment