My friend and I use the gym differently

My friend Mary and I decided to sign up for gym memberships.

The gym is an approximately twenty minute drive from our homes. We figured that it would be fun and helpful to carpool. We hoped that holding each other accountable would prevent us from procrastinating. After one session at the gym, I realized that my friend and I have very different approaches to our fitness. Mary is mainly interested in using the tanning beds and getting a massage. Despite the many machines available, she only uses the treadmill. She reads on her iPad while she walks. Mary never gets sweaty enough to need a shower. She only wants to spend about half an hour at the gym. I workout for at least an hour and always need a shower afterward. I end up drenched in sweat. If I use the treadmill, I sprint at full speed and often add an incline. I switch between the stationary bikes and the ellipticals. I then head to the strength training machines where I target my biceps, triceps, abdominal muscles, shoulders, back, calves and outer and inner thighs. I workout with the battle ropes, lift free weights and kettlebells and hit the speed bag. Since Mary is only willing to visit the gym once per week, I’ve started heading there on my own at least four more days. I want to get my money’s worth out of the membership fees. Mary has said she doesn’t plan to renew her membership after this year. She doesn’t feel it’s worth it. I absolutely love working out at the gym and will be renewing my membership.

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