My friend does semi-private personal training and at-home yoga classes

I’m happy to see my friend Chris succeeding in his career after so many years of hardships. He dropped out of college as a freshman and didn’t really have any clear ideas for what he was going to do with his life moving forward. He’s such a nice guy and a loyal friend, so it was saddening for me to watch him struggle with one stressful job after the next while I was coasting through university. Although we both struggle these days, he’s been doing it a lot longer than I have. Thankfully he made a great choice getting certification to become a yoga instructor before going the extra step to also become a certified personal trainer. In no time at all he found a steady position at a local fitness center where they assigned him to half a dozen clients right out the gate. As his reputation and prominence grew, some of his clients started to request semi-private in-home personal training. He asked me what I thought about him quitting his job and trying to go out on his own with a private practice. I encouraged him and told him that he would be successful. Not only is he doing semi-private in-home personal training, he is also doing semi-private and group yoga classes. Many people turn to yoga for stress relief and mind-body awareness. It’s also really good at stretching your muscles and improving your physical health and endurance. Although some people injure themselves doing yoga stretches, learning from a trained and certified yoga instructor like my friend Chris minimizes that risk greatly.

Semi-Private Fitness Training