My girlfriend broke up with me because I didn’t change the air filters or call for HVAC maintenance

My girlfriend decided to break up with me recently because she says I never can take things seriously. I realized that she was right. We tried to live together in an apartment and I thought everything was going to be great. She would always tell me to do things like change the air filter to the HVAC and to call for HVAC system maintenance. I would always just push it back like it wasn’t that serious, but then the air quality became really bad in our apartment. When dust started collecting everywhere, I realized that I needed to change the air filter. The thing is, by the time I went to change the air filter, I realized that my girlfriend already took care of the problem. She asked me if I even bothered to call for HVAC system maintenance and I basically just hung my head in shame. She said that because I couldn’t take important things like that seriously, she couldn’t picture staying with me in a serious relationship. She said it seemed like we were going nowhere and she needed some stability in her life. I guess I have a lot of things to think about. I wish I could get her back, but I feel like she has already given up on me. I guess I just never learned about how serious it is to take care of things like the HVAC system in your home. I certainly didn’t think that I would be dumped because of something like that. From now on, I’m definitely going to be changing the air filters and calling for HVAC system maintenance.
Air conditioning repair