Running is a favorite workout

One of my favorite workouts is going for a long run.

  • Although it’s sometimes difficult to get motivated, I always feel fantastic afterward.

It’s a straightforward way to burn a tremendous amount of calories in a very short amount of time. I don’t need any specialized gear or machinery. As long as I have a good quality pair of sneakers with proper support, I’m all set. I have invested in specialized clothing to combat all types of weather. I have shorts and shirts that wick away moisture when I’m sweaty because of high heat and humidity. I have long-sleeved shirts and long pants that are thin and lightweight yet keep me warm when the temperature drops. I have moisture resistant fabrics that allow me to run in the rain. I make sure to take the time to sufficiently warm up before I run. I stretch, rotate and loosen up my various joints and muscles. I start out at a very slow job and gradually increase my pace. I try to change up my route so that I can appreciate different scenery. Some of my running paths are very flat and easy while others include challenging inclines. Running is a great opportunity to work my muscles, increase my endurance and tone muscles. It works my lungs and gets my heart beating. Because it’s a fairly mindless activity, it’s ideal for alleviating stress and clearing my head. I listen to music and let my mind wander. At the conclusion of the run, I am conscientious about a deep stretch and cool down period. I am careful to drink plenty of water.


Training methods