The HVAC unit was clogged

When Winter time passed, Isabel had to start making preparations for her summer time customers, it was the most lucrative time for her as a snack vendor, and she made a whole host of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and delicious cakes, then after being in business for many years, she had a list of customers whose orders were in her email, her skills were blending the drinks and making tasty treats that customers ordered in advance perfectly.

  • But, last summer she got so many new customers that she forgot to phone the A/C Business! Once Spring arrived, she began gathering all the ingredients and appliances she needed for her business, and the season passed without calling an HVAC specialist to come and repair her cooling unit.

Since she worked from home, it was her saving grace during those hot summer time months. Isabel started making deliveries to her customers about several weeks into summer. All thoughts of the air conditioner service and repair were not in her mind. That’s why it took her by surprise when one afternoon, her HVAC plan shut down. Isabel noticed the change in the kitchen instantly and knew something was wrong with the quality HVAC. She stopped her preparations and went to check the A/C temperature control. The LED display screen was blank with no temperature reading. As she was turning the air ventilation plan on and off, reality dawned on her. She hadn’t called the HVAC Company for the annual Spring service. As fast as she could, she located her phone and made the call. Luckily, an HVAC mechanic was available to come and check the cooling unit, however when she arrived, she informed her that the air filter was clogged, so the HVAC unit shut down. It took him many hours to clean the air filter and repair a few parts before turning on the heating and cooling unit. Isabel promised to put a reminder on her phone so that she would get the air conditioner taken care of in the fall.

a/c worker