There is no beach anywhere near where Felicity lives

Felicity has lots of memories from when she was a kid living back east.

In the summer time she would head to the beach down the shore in Jersey.

Her older cousin had a summertime home and Felicity would visit her. She misses residing back there as now Felicity lives in an area where there are no beaches and summers aren’t as fun as they used to be. At the east coast where Felicity grew up it was great. After the fun long hours at the beach she always remembers coming back to the summer time home her older cousin owned that had an efficient window cooling unit. This was before the invention of central a/c, so it was nothing more than a window system. Still, this window a/c that she had was quite robust. The cooling coming from the window cooling unit was unlike anything you would imagine. It was the most excellent window a/c on the market at that time. Felicity thinks that it was even better than some of the central a/c she has experienced in the more current age she lives in today. Her older cousin sold that summer time home back in the 1990’s sometime and has since passed on. It was a fantastic era in time for Felicity and she will always remember the fantastic beach afternoons, the fantastic summer time home and the super awesome window a/c unit in the property.

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