Want to get fit before a beach day

The holiday season is rough on anyone, especially my partner plus I, then the numerous of us appreciate to cook plus eat what the people I was with and I make, and during the holidays the numerous of us totally pig out plus put on a bunch of weight! I don’t want to do that this year. The main reason is that for Christmas I have a trip for my partner. The day after Christmas the people I was with and I are getting on a plane plus going to a tropical island. The people I was with and I will be in swimsuits on a beach for numerous mornings. I don’t want pictures of me looking fat, bloated plus stuffed into my swimsuit. I believe my partner would be embarrassed too. I do not want to ruin the surprise of the trip. I also don’t want to ruin the fun of enjoying the holiday food! So I have decided to attack this issue from another direction. I signed my partner plus I up for a group fitness class 3 mornings a week. The group class mainly focuses on cardio plus toning up the body. The personal trainer handles the entire group plus occasionally pairs us off to labor on other things. So far my partner plus I appreciate the class, and he doesn’t absolutely get why were are pushing to get fit just in time for the holidays, then my plan is that if the people I was with and I push plus lose weight, all the weight the people I was with and I acquire eating for the holidays cancels out. So when the people I was with and I go to the beach, it will be our normal bodies in the swimsuits. I will say though, the group fitness class is a lot of fun.


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