We should be able to fix the heating system problem by the time of the party

I hope the house is not going to blow up or something, but it’s hard to say and I know that we need to get this under control if we are going to have a party at our place

I can’t believe that Christmas is right around the corner. It’s always such a lovely time with all the beautiful decorations and Christmas music. I can’t wait to spend time with my family and we have been planning a nice Christmas party at our home. The thing is, I have been noticing that the heating system has been struggling so I have to get that taken care of. I knew it was a bad decision when I chose not to get the heating system tuned up back in the spring, but what’s done is done. I am going to call up the HVAC company soon to see what they can do for me. The heating system is still working, it’s just having issues. For example, when the heating system tries to engage, I hear the thing click a bunch of times before the air starts to flow. This is a cause for concern especially since I smell some kind of gas or burning smell in the basement. I hope the house is not going to blow up or something, but it’s hard to say and I know that we need to get this under control if we are going to have a party at our place. At least my wife isn’t giving me a hard time about not getting the HVAC system tune-up. It could be worse too, we could of had the whole heating system fail on us and we would be freezing in the home. I’m sure that we should be able to get this problem resolved by the time we get to the party for Christmas.

Space heater