What temperature do you set on the thermostat?

It never ceases to amaze me how some people seem entitled to declare their own personal opinions as the law of nature or something like that.

So many people seem to argue about things that really only come down to one personal preference.

In other words, there is no right or wrong answer to certain dilemmas. Take this simple conundrum, for example: What temperature should a person set on their thermostat? Is there a set and universal temperature that is objectively the best choice for certain kinds of weather? Of course not! It all comes down to personal preference. Climate control is all about personal comfort, after all. So why do so many people feel the need to tell others that they are “”wrong” for setting a certain temperature on the thermostat? I suppose it’s one thing for people to be living together with very different ideas as to what is a comfortable temperature on the thermostat. Ideally, those people should come to some sort of compromise. However, if you’re some random Joe Blow who lives on his own, why would anyone tell you what temperature you should set on your thermostat? What are the arguments I hear is that certain temperatures are better for energy conservation. I can certainly sympathize with the idea of saving money on your monthly energy bill. Yet, I’ll still say, if someone wants to crank up the A/C in the summer or crank up the heat in the winter and pay that steep energy bill for the sake of their own personal comfort, that’s their prerogative!

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