I’m already making our Heating schedule

This is our time of year. I don’t have to sweat any time I’m outside and the Heating and Air Conditioning utility costs are now pretty much negligible, but so, I’m a cheerful guy. But when the Summer comes, it’s boiling and humid to the point of being overwhelming. So while in this time of year, I love being able to go outside with a hoodie and still appreciate perfect weather and lots of sunshine, normally our highs are at least in the sixties if not just over seventy. The lows are rarely enough to make the heat pump kick on in order to knock the chill out… However, that is about it for the depths of Winter when it comes to our region. But this time of year is also the time that I beginning putting together our strategy for the heat season. The Heating and Air Conditioning cooling will beginning coming on by late March. And it does not take long before all of us are right in the thick of intense heat and humidity when Summer gets here. So I take this time of the year to have the Heating and Air Conditioning professionals inspect and service the Heating and Air Conditioning unit. I really called them the other day to set up an appointment to have the air conditioner tune up done in mid February. The rest of the system is really about prepping the house. I shall do that over the Spring by replacing worn weather stripping and sealing up any cracks or gaps on the exterior. But I also appreciate to suppose of new things that I can do while in the Summer to save on air conditioner costs. This year I suppose I am going to try to cook only on the grill outside in order to not heat up the condo by using the stove or the oven. That might save us even a bit more cash.


indoor comfort business