New yoga studio, heated floors

About 5 years ago I began doing yoga with a good friend of mine.

She encouraged me to give it a try in order to manage my stress and relieve some shoulder pain that was persistently bugging me.

I decided to give it a shot, and I was truly in love with the exercise activity after only a few classes. It wasn’t too long, however, before I realized that the cost of yoga was unsustainable for my budget each month. That’s when I began doing yoga by myself at home in order to keep my body and brain happy along with my bank account. I realized that I could get far better relaxation and mindfulness when I had some extra heat in my yoga practice, so I began adding a small electric heater to the mix. I would turn on the little portable heater about an hour before I wanted to get started, crank the tiny electric furnace up to level 11, and lock all the hot air into the room. Whenever I would enter the space after that, the indoor air would be delightfully hot. These days, I’m thinking about another HVAC addition in order to promote my yoga practice – radiant heated floors. I began thinking about the extra muscle relaxation I could obtain with all that heat in the air, and realized that I could transmit this heat directly to my body if I changed up my heating plan. If I put in radiant heated floors, I will have my body right at the source of the heat, encouraging my muscles to melt into the ground. I figure, if the added cost of the heated flooring and installation gives me stress and tense shoulders, at least I’ll be able to sooth them away.


Portable space heater