Zone controlled rooms to meet my mood

I’ve noticed an interesting thing about myself recently following our move into a brand new house.

I realized that I truly get a “feel” in each and every room of the place, which greatly affects my interpretation of the space and my emotions about it.

This is somewhat helpful when it comes to picking out rooms for certain designations – you know I’m not going to set up my bedroom in a space that makes me feel sad or hyper, just like I wouldn’t put the family room where I tend to feel anxious. One bad thing about it, however, is that the air temperature never matches the emotional impression that I feel in each room. The house has central heating and cooling, so each room is the exact same temperature and air quality. This truly messes with my distinct impressions of each space and throws me off. That’s why I’m looking into zone controlled heating and cooling. I think it would be so great to have unique air temperatures and air qualities in every room to fit the purpose of the space. I’m thinking that the bedrooms will always be kept quite cold, because cuddling up in warm blankets requires a cool and dry environment. I want to keep the kitchen a bit warm, since the stove will pump heat into the indoor air no matter what. I’d like the bathrooms to be a bit chilly in order to reduce the mildew growth and to encourage my husband to poop faster. Finally, I think the family room should be the warmest place of all, because of how warm and fuzzy I feel after quality time with my loved ones and my wonderful indoor air quality.



Heat pump