Nine in the morning with some heating equipment

I am getting pretty hungry for my breakfast considering that it is almost noon and I haven’t had any food yet except for some coffee and chocolate. When I get up in the morning I make a cup of coffee and drink it with some maltitol chocolate and unsalted peanuts. When you eat that healthy type of dark chocolate with peanuts, it tastes just like a Snickers bar, but without all of the sugar and whatnot that they put in those famous candy bars. I eat this in the morning before I have my normal breakfast near the local business by the sea. I have the same routine every single day, and although it can get monotonous, it keeps me on track for what I need to get done each day. I like that better than working 50 hours during the weekdays at the HVAC business and having weekends free. Mondays are not any different than Saturdays in my book, and I like it this way because it gives my days structure and I do well with habits like this. The heating rep does the same thing as I and we meet each day to work on HVAC equipment while we talk about what we are doing that week with our families and whatnot. I have a really simple life here overseas and like it this way, as opposed to the rat race back in the States. I just miss my family and my mom’s warm fireplace while she is making dinner for us all. I will see her soon though!


New HVAC technology