The new heating machine is going to cost a ton

My corporation partner & I were able to figure out that we are in need of a current Heating & Air Conditioning machine for our commercial retail space. Both of us knew there was a pretty good chance that the Heating & Air Conditioning machine needed to be replaced, but my partner & I were hoping that the company would be able to get the HVAC machine fixed more time, and my corporation partner & I have been in this space for several years. We’ve had a huge amount of troubles with the heating & the a/c machine. Both of us had to close the commercial retail space at a certain time when we had entirely no heat & the temperature outside was severely frosty. Both of us knew the Heating & Air Conditioning machine was outdated when we initially bought the commercial retail space. The two of us honestly were hopeful that repairs could be made for a couple of years… The company gave us some horrible news on Wednesday! It’s going to cost more than 10 grand to actually upgrade the heating machine. It was a pretty major shock when we heard the number. I was easily thinking the number would be a great deal less since the two of us did not have to replace the A/C machine. Both of us don’t have any other option but to spend money for the replacement parts. My corporation partner & I are not able to close down the commercial retail space for a lengthy period of time. Both of us can also be fined from the town if we end up not providing heat while the two of us are open for corporation hours. Both of us made the choice to arrange a time to meet with the company so the two of us can go over the details to have the task completed. At least the two of us will not need to close the store, because the company can do the task in the middle of the night hours.
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